Jyotish is the oldest system of astrology in the world. It’s derived from the Sanskrit word “jyoti” which means light. As the pure light of scientific knowledge, the word Jyotish implies studying a person’s character, health, habits and even the future on the basis of his or her birth chart.
In western cultures, it is often referred to as Indian, Vedic or Hindu astrology. The awareness about Jyotish can be traced back to the Vedic civilization in northern India. Jyotish is a part of the Indian Vedic Scriptures, proof of which is easily available in the centuries old manuscripts and translations.
Jyotish is practiced by a skilled astrologer by calculating the positions of the planets and other celestial bodies with regard to a person’s birth or happening of an event.
With us in October to talk about Jyotish and other subjects of the Vedic Culture, Arvind Pare, check it out here!