Finalmente podemos dar resposta aos muitos pedidos que têm surgido. Os novos Tapetes de Yoga disponibilizados pela Casa Gaṇapati são os Kurma Yoga Mat e aqui fica alguma informação sobre eles. Para qualquer coisa já sabem, é só entrar em contacto (
1. Production of PVC has an excellent energy saving record.
2. PVC mats last long. Since the energy usage for producing a mat is one of the major factors to determine how beneficial a product is for the enviroment; the shorter the life span the more of an enviromental burdon the product poses.
3. Emission of harmful substances during production is very low compared with most other material including natural ones like wood, which emitts twice as much.
4. If produced thoroughly, PVC is not toxic at all. We ensure in our factory that this is the case and therefore submitt our mats to independant testing. Our products are Öko Tex Standard 100 Level 1 tested garanteeing safe use of our products.
5. Beeing involved in the production of yogamats for the past 20 years, we are also very sceptical of claims that ” rubber mats are 100 % natural”. Natural rubber disintegrates very fast under sunlight and oxigene exposure, and just like in any other industrial product the adding of chemicals is needed to make it into a more or less durable product.
6. PVC mats do not cause allergies unlike rubber.
7. Last but not least : The environmental issue regarding rubber is very far from beeing resolved. Increased demand for rubber means that even more tropical rain forest will be cut, since the rubber trees are growing only in the tropics.
We do understand that tropical forest is cut for essential food crops for the local population, but we do not condone the cutting of forest for industrial crops like rubber trees, which destroys tropical biospheres and the living environment for many animal and plant species. It is a rather sad sight, seeing the diverse vegetation in areas like Kerala / South India, Malaysia and Indonesia disappear to make room for the rubber mono culture. Very few plants are able to survive under the shade of a monoculture of rubber trees. South India is already experiencing a severe shortage of ayyurvedic herbs because of this.
For these reasons we are only marketing one rubber mat made from recycled material and otherwise stick to PVC mats.