New Year Message 2012
“Time is a great myth. It is a very important myth, a
significant myth. If you inquire into its content, it
disappears. If time is a series of nows – now, now,
now , now – and you inquire into the content of now,
now just disappears from being a length. It is no longer
a length of time. Now is not a length of time. And
now which is not a length of time makes a length of
time. A series of – nows- make a length of time, like
a series of points making a line. A single point
occupies no space and a series of points make a length!
This is what Vedanta is. That there is a length, that
there is time, is not something we should be weary
about, because it is magic. Time is magic, and
therefore, you need to enjoy the time you have got
now. A new year means you have one more year to
accomplish what you could not accomplish last year.
And if you have survived without accomplishing last
year, this year is not going to be difficult. Therefore,
just enjoy the day, the time that is there right now.
May this New Year be new all the time, fresh all the
time. Getting up every day it is a new day. The New
Year begins with a new day, the next day is a new
day, the next day is a new day – again new day of the
New Year. Then new day, new day, new day – new
day. Let us keep it that way, new day. Happy New
Year 2012.”